Local Business Adverts
Advertise here for a year for £24 per advert (that's just £2 per month!).Renewable annually at the end of February. If you are a local business and would like to advertise in this section please contact Linda Durno on 01249-750514 or e-mail: kingtonstmichael@btinternet.com.
(By placing an advert you confirm that you have ownership of all wording and images).
When you contact a business please mention the website - thank you.
(The inclusion of advertisements on this page is in no way an endorsement of those businesses/traders advertised and potential customers should check with the advertisers to satisfy themselves of their qualifications).

CK Clinic
We are a Physiotherapy, Podiatry, Massage, Acupuncture, Earwax Removal,
Reflexology, Counselling and Hypnotherapy clinic, based on the edge of
Bumpers Farm in Chippenham. Email: reception@ckclinic.co.uk
Web: www.ckclinic.co.uk
Tel: 01249 324166
Public Houses

The Jolly Huntsman
80 Kington St Michael
SN14 6JB
Tel: 01249 750305
Fax: 01249 758846
E-mail: thejollyhuntsman@aol.com
Website: www.jollyhuntsman.com
Full menu plus Chef's specials.
Mobile bar now available for outside events.
Wireless broadband in all rooms.
En-suite Bed and Breakfast.
Open fire.

Kington St Michael Community Shop
Current Opening Hours
* Orders taken for fresh bread
* Fresh milk & dairy produce
* Free range eggs
* Gifts and cards
* Stamps
Telephone (01249) 750181
E-mail: hello@kingtonstmichaelshop.co.uk
Facebook page