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The Latest News & Snippets About The Village

(Contributions welcome - click on Contact Us)

Village Newsletter
Here's the latest edition.


Road Works and Closures
There is now a dedicated page for all road works and closures which
affect the parish, in order to make it easier for you to find them.

Community Pub Survey
KSMCP and Plunkett logos

For most villages a pub is a vital service; it is a meeting place, communication centre and an important lynchpin of village life.  Much of the appeal of our village rests on its sense of community.  It is the reason many people have moved here and remain here. The Jolly Huntsman has been here for hundreds of years and is on the market for the first time in 20 years.  A community owned pub would, we feel, greatly enhance community spirit.

This questionnaire is the first step.  We need to know your views on what might be provided and what would receive your support.  Please be as honest and realistic as possible in your answers!  Your response will be treated in confidence.  You don’t have to provide your name or contact details, but if you do it will help us keep you informed about the results and progress of the project.

The questionnaire can be completed here: https://kington-st-michael.com/pub
or by a hard copy which will soon be coming through your letterbox, and can be dropped off at the village shop or collected on request.  Please only use one method and not both. The results will be presented to a public meeting and will be available online.  The survey is for anyone interested.

We would also like to hear from you if you feel you could help in any way with managing the project.  There will be a wide range of tasks to be done, from the initial setting up of the project, to managing the enterprise and potentially being involved in the day to day practical operation.

This kind of venture has been successfully achieved in other communities all over the UK.  There are currently 52 co-operative pubs in the UK and most of these have been set up with the support of the charity Plunkett Foundation (www.plunkett.co.uk).  Will our community be the next one?  We are supported by the Plunkett Foundation.

If you wish to speak directly to someone about this project please contact one of the following:

Alex Hall: alex.hall@kington-st-michael.com
Tel. 01249-750602
Linda Durno: kingtonstmichael@btinternet.com
Tel. 01249-750514



Village Litter Pick
Litter picking image
Would any village organisation or individual be interested in organising a litter pick in the village?  This could be just within the village itself or extending along roads and lanes surrounding Kington St Michael.  All equipment can be provided.  Please contact Viv Vines, Clerk to Kington St Michael Parish Council: ksmparishclerk@gmail.com.


KSMCP and Plunkett logos
Can You Help?
We're looking for a some help with the Community Pub project:
  • Do you have any experience in completing grant applications and would be willing to help with completing the forms, or do you know of someone who can help?
  • Are you a building surveyor who would volunteer your services pro bono?
  • Do you have any other talents that you could bring to our group?
  • Do you have any bookkeeping experience (regarding our grant/fundraising money, not for the pub itself)?

    If so, please contact Linda Durno on (01249) 750514 or email ksmcp@kington-st-michael.com.

    To keep up to date with this project, please visit our dedicated webpage.


Book Recycling Scheme

The 78th donation of £50 from this scheme goes towards the cost of new plants in the build-out by the telephone box.  The scheme is run from the shop foyer and books are only 50p each.  Village organisations that would like to be considered for a donation should contact Linda Durno via kingtonstmichael@btinternet.com.


KSM Netball Club logo

New players welcome - any ability.
Our club is reaching out for new members to come join us for some fun and friendly fitness.  All fitness levels and any ability, we are a really friendly club, and there’s no obligation to join one of our league teams - the club has teams in both the Rock Up League and the Calne Social League, so there are plenty of opportunities for those with more competitive streaks too.  We really do have a great mix of players of all ages 18+.
First session free, so come along and try out your netball skills.  Then £6 per session or £30 per 6-week block. 1½ hours of coached netball with England Netball qualified coaches and umpires - with plenty of opportunity for match play during the session.  Training in the Dome every Thursday (we break for school holidays). If you want to come along this Thursday, message our Facebook page facebook.com/ksmnetballclub or email ksmnetballclub@hotmail.com.


A Happy Ending
Alfie the cat
You may recall the stray cat that was found in The Ridings, known as The Mittenses online, or Panda's dad, but now called Alfie.  We can report that he’s doing well as an indoor cat in Chippenham and has adjusted well to his new environment.  His veterinary treatment was very successful and he no longer needs his eye removed.


Shop News
KSM shop logo

 At a recent shop meeting five new members were co-opted onto the committee; this will help share the workload and bring new ideas to the meetings. Currently there is one space left to be filled and if you would like to get involved to help keep the village community shop open, please email hello@kingtonstmichael.co.uk or speak to a committee member.

Apart from the obvious benefits to us as a village community, according to an article in The Telegraph in June 2018, having a shop can add value to your home.  The generally held view amongst estate agents is that local amenities generate a premium of up to 5%.
The shop is still looking for volunteers to give two hours of their week to help keep the shop open, especially as the shop manager hours will have to be cut to 20 hours a week in June.  Whether you’re new to the village or not it’s a great way to get to know your neighbours.
With spring upon us there will be hungry birds needing to feed their chicks and gardens to be maintained, so take a trip to the shop where you will find a good supply of bird food and garden essentials.
The shop continues to provide a service to the community, helping a young man gain work experience for his Duke of Edinburgh award by assisting staff in the shop in his free time.
If you fancy a take-away coffee, tea or hot chocolate there is an excellent self-service machine in the shop so you can enjoy your favourite beverage whilst out and about, and support the shop at the same time.
The shop is always fully stocked with all sorts of unexpected items so please call-in next time you’re in the vicinity and have a look around.


Attention All KSM QE2 Field Users
Help improve QE2 Field logo

KSM QE2 Field Group has some exciting plans for the recreation field in 2024, including the redevelopment of the children’s play area, and more.
However, we are a very small team of volunteers and we need some help to make things happen.  You do not need to join a committee and there is no obligation.  You can be involved as much, or as little, as you wish.  But things only happen when there are enough hands to help  

If you are interested in helping to improve our recreation area in KSM this year, we would love to hear from you.  Get in touch: ksmqe2fieldgroup@gmail.com.


Community Pub Project
KSMCP and Plunkett logos

Many of you are probably aware that The Jolly Huntsman has been for sale for quite some time and that the owners wish to move on after a long and successful tenure.

In order to keep the pub open as a vibrant part of our community, and in the current absence of any other buyers, the possibility of acquiring the pub as a Community Pub is being explored.

At a well-attended meeting in the village hall on March 21st, a positive reception was received for exploring the possibility of acquiring The Jolly Huntsman pub and establishing it as a community pub.  To move forward, we're now looking to assemble a committee, and your skills could make a real difference.

If you have some time to spare and skills in areas like marketing,
fundraising, accounts, management, accommodation, cheffing, bar work, property law, surveying, etc, we'd greatly appreciate your help.  Equally, if you have ideas on how the community could benefit, we want to hear from you.  Is there something that we can get done? The support shown so far is encouraging, but we truly need your involvement to make this vision a reality. We are looking to form the initial management committee to proceed with this project.

To volunteer or learn more, please feel free to reach out to us ksmcp@kington-st-michael.com or call Linda Durno (01249)750514 or Alex Hall (01249) 750602.  An inaugural meeting will be next and we hope to take this forward for the village.  Your contribution could be the key to turning this community plan into a successful venture.    

[Please note that this project now has its own dedicated page on this website]


Village Shop Update

KSM shop logo

At the most recent committee meeting, five new members were welcomed on to the shop committee, which now consists of:

Liz Allen
Vicky Disney (Secretary)
Bernadette Halliday
Kevin Henderson (Treasurer)
Elizabeth Jones
Val Mazey
Jo Munting (Acting Chairman)
Natalie Pitman
Ken Reeve-Rawlings

One vacancy remains - please email the Secretary if you are interested in joining:


Community Area Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (CAJSNA)

A new interactive platform that helps people find out what life is like in their community area has been launched by Wiltshire Council.  The Community Area Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (CAJSNA) brings together more than 140 indicators from a wide range of public, private and voluntary partners.  The indicators span across 10 different themes including children and young people, cost of living, health, housing, safety and the environment.    
Wiltshire residents and partner organisations are being encouraged to take a look at the information and then complete a short survey, to share what they think the priorities  should be for the future.  The feedback from residents and data from the CAJSNA will help to inform future decision making for the council area and help shape future service planning.  Additionally, our area boards use this information as a tool to set their  local priorities and allocate resources.          
You can find the link to the data here: CAJSNA Wiltshire Intelligence        
You can find the link to the survey here: https://surveys.wiltshire.gov.uk/s/ad7x4r 


Message From Dorset & Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service
Dorset and Wiltshire Fire Service logo

A 12-week consultation has been launched for Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Authority’s proposed new Community Safety Plan.

The plan sets out the priorities and challenges for Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service from now until 2028, covering areas such as prevention, protection, response, governance and people.

Chief Fire Officer Ben Ansell said: “The plan details how we intend to continue working, but also what we intend to review and do differently to meet and reduce the risks we face as an organisation. Public sector finances are under extreme pressure, so it is vital that we look at all parts of the Service to ensure that we are working as efficiently and as effectively as possible.”

The consultation runs from 9am on Friday 9th February until 9am on Friday 3rd May. Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Authority will then consider the consultation responses and the final plan at its meeting in June.

Cllr Rebecca Knox, Chair of the Authority, said: “The Community Safety Plan is our ‘roadmap’ for the coming years, so the views of people from across our communities are essential. Whether you are a resident, a local business, a partner, a voluntary group or a charity, we would very much like to hear from you.”

A copy of the draft plan, a summary video and details on how to give your views – including an online form – can be found at www.dwfire.org.uk/draft-csp-2024-28-consultation


Be A Good Neighbour  

A gentle reminder that now is the time for parishioners to check and cut back any of their overgrown hedges, trees and shrubs, that are either restricting the view of vehicles or impeding pedestrians.  This will help our blind, disabled, and taller residents walking through the village.

This is also a good opportunity to ask you to be considerate where you leave wheelie bins and black boxes out for collection, as these can also cause a hazard for less able people.


  Box Moth Damage 

A parishioner has reported the prevalence of Box moths in some of the hedges in the village, so please keep an eye out if you have these hedges in your garden, as it will decimate and kill the hedging.


Village Shop Financial Update
Shop logo

Although the shop’s accounts for 2023 will be presented to the shareholders at the AGM later in the year, the committee thought it would be useful to give all villagers an update on the shop’s financial position.

Early in 2023, a new shop manager was employed, with the caveat that this position would need to be regularly reviewed to ensure that turnover and profit could sustain the post; takings had to be in excess of £4,000 per week. This was reported to shareholders at the AGM.

The year has seen an increase in overall takings: longer opening hours and a leafletting campaign to the village and surrounding residents has helped bring in new customers.  The shop is stocking a wider range of products which is appealing to a broader range of consumers and so contributing to the turnover.

The financial year has just ended and the average takings per week were around £2,300 which, although up significantly on 2022, is well short of the break-even position and resulted in an operating loss of more than £12,500 (subject to independent review).

As things stand, if a full-time manager continues to be employed, the shop would probably run out of money towards the end of 2025, maybe very early 2026. Therefore, reluctantly, the shop committee has decided that the post will need to be part-time (probably 20 hours per week) from 1st July at the latest. This will hopefully enable the shop to remain open until at least 2027, and maybe much longer.

It's heartening that a number of people have put themselves forward to join the committee and help support in identifying longer term solutions for the shop’s prosperity. The current committee welcomes their interest and is looking forward to working with them when they join in February.

Hopefully a few more people will also feel encouraged to volunteer and offer just two hours per week to serve in the shop. The volunteers are the backbone of the shop and without them it’s hard to see how it could continue.

The shop is an integral part of the village and with help from parishioners it will be here for many more years to serve the community.

If you have any questions, comments, or ideas to improve the shop’s viability please email the shop’s treasurer: ksmshoptreasurer@yahoo.com.


Parish Council News
At January's meeting Marie-Clare Simpson and
Stephen Woodhead were co-opted on to the council.


Village Shop Christmas Raffle Winner
Thank you to all those who bought tickets for the meat raffle, which was drawn at the Christmas Fayre on 2nd December.  The lucky winner is villager Sarah Aston.


Crafting The Winter Away

Carving groups in The Minchin, Stubbs Lane, KSM are starting again in January on Saturday mornings, 10am to 12pm at £8 per hour; all tools supplied.  If you are interested, please ring Cilla on (01249) 750222.


Acorns Pre-school

A message from the Acorns Pre-school Committee:

“Earlier in the summer, the committee sadly announced that Acorns Pre-school wouldn’t be opening its doors in September.  Acorns was a huge asset to the village and whilst the Acorns Pre-school charity will shortly be dissolved, we are pleased to announce that the Early Years Alliance has approved that remaining Acorns assets will be transferred to Kington St Michael Primary School.  This will ensure that the legacy of Acorns will continue to benefit our village, enabling the school to enhance and hopefully expand their early years provision in the future. We want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support.”


QE2 Field News

Bonfire night was almost a sell-out and the weather stayed kind.  The event raised an amazing £1,500 (£500 more than last year) that will go towards enhancing the QE2 Field.

The QE2 committee sends special thanks to all those who helped - KSM Shop for selling advance tickets, the fireworks team for a spectacular display, Chippenham Pallet Company, MJ Church, and those who came along and supported this event!  This annual community event could not be held without you.


Tor Hill Pedestrian Walkway Project
Kington St Michael Parish Council October 2023

This briefing paper has been produced to give Kington St Michael parishioners information about the historical context of the Tor Hill Pedestrian Walkway project at the south entrance to the village from the A350 Plough Crossroads:

Introduction to the project
Any resident traversing Tor Hill in or out of Kington St Michael village will be aware that the road on the hill is steep, very narrow in places and has blind bends. So much so that pedestrians crossing the road at the foot of the hill, are not visible to drivers approaching the top of the hill from the south.

Background to the project
The safety of residents and visitors to the village via Tor Hill has been of great concern to the Parish Council (PC) for many years. In 1963 PC records show that both the speed of traffic and the narrowness of the road presented significant risk to pedestrians who had no alternative route to take.

These issues were raised again in 1964,1967 and 1969. North Wiltshire District Council (NWDC) Accident and Prevention Committee concurred with the PC regarding the dangers of the road. At this time the County Surveyor was asked to investigate. A spate of accidents then occurred in 1970 and from 1971 to 1976 the PC repeatedly informed the appropriate authorities of the dangers presented by Tor Hill to road users and particularly to pedestrians. Survey work on Tor Hill was finally carried out in 1986 and plans were developed to both widen and straighten the road and to build a pedestrian and cycling pathway separate to the road.

Compulsory Purchase Order
A compulsory purchase order commenced in 1987 to acquire a 9-metre strip of land alongside the C154 From the crossroads south of the village, down Tor Hill to the boundary of Magpie Cottage. The purchase was completed on 22nd of April 1988 for the sum of £900. At the same time the council was pursuing the purchase of Magpie Cottage No.1 Kington St Michael. The cottage. which stands at the foot of Tor Hill, was acquired in March 1989 for the sum of £108,000. The rest of Magpie Cottage and grounds were sold to a private owner in July 1990. The Council retained a 2-metre-wide strip of land across the front of the cottage which remains the property of Wiltshire Council to this day.

All was now in place for the long awaited “Road improvement and Footpath scheme”. A significant amount of time, energy and public money had been spent to improve the safety of road users on Tor Hill. Then, quite simply no further action was taken by North Wiltshire Council to implement the scheme. The Parish Council continued to raise concerns about dangers accessing the village to no avail.

On the 1st of April 2009 North Wiltshire District Council was abolished and superseded by the single Unitary Authority of Wiltshire Council.

With the advent of the new Wiltshire Council the PC once again raised the issue of safety on Tor Hill. The PC now however was focussing on building a walkway to provide safe passage for pedestrians in and out of the village.

Between 2010 and 2012 progress was made with officers of the new authority to confirm ownership of the land previously purchased. The new County Council still owned the land and the need for safer access to the village was still present. The Landowner who had sold the land, under a compulsory purchase order, was also a parish councillor and confirmed that he had no claim on the land.

The minutes of the PC meeting 15th November 2012 refers to a site meeting between Wiltshire County Council Officers, Parish Councillors, the landowner and a Wiltshire Council Surveyor. The site meeting agreed that some of the compulsorily purchased land would be retained by the PC for the creation of a footpath.

Tor Hill: Phase 1 and 2
In April 2013 work started on phase 1 of the footpath alongside Tor Hill. By September 2013 having completed the ground works for the footpath the PC applied for a match funded Path Improvement Grant Scheme (PIGS) which was successful. This meant that the cost of the whole scheme would be shared 50/50 between KSM PC and the PIGS grant. Phase 2 of the pathway was carried out during the following months and the current Tor Hill path was completed in the spring of 2014.

Upon completion the path has provided a safer route to and from the village for pedestrians. This in turn has improved the safe passage of motorised vehicles on the hill, which no longer had to avoid pedestrians on the hill.

Although the second phase of the footpath had now been completed the path still stopped short of being linked to the existing footpath system in the village. Owning the land across the front of Magpie Cottage was essential to the project but was not in itself sufficient to enable the PC to proceed with the project. The new footpath had been built adjacent to the C154 not on it or crossing it. Although a relatively small project in respect of its length the last section of the footpath would be both technically and financially much more challenging to achieve. There were no sources of funding to help the PC commission the necessary surveys to develop a fully costed scheme to enable the path to be built.

Feasibility study
The PC took the decision to fund a feasibility study to be carried out by professional highways consultants. The study would produce a detailed proposal, to be compliant with all necessary guidance and regulations. This in turn will allow the Parish Council to request formal, competitive tenders from qualified construction companies. This formal process will enable the Parish Council to apply for alternative sources of funding/grants to be applied for. To facilitate this the PC added a new budget heading: Tor Hill Project to the 2014/2015 financial year, with an initial budget of £4,000.

The PC continued to monitor the safety issues on Tor Hill which remains a hazard for road users.

By 2017/18 the PC had sufficient ear marked funds in the Tor Hill Project Budget to seek out a suitably qualified local architect to carry out the feasibility study. With the help of the Royal Institute of Architects free service “Find an Architect “the PC was able to appoint a local architect to begin work on the final phase of the footpath.

By June 2018 initial visits and scoping works had taken place and a fee proposal agreed. It soon became clear that the complications of the relatively small (in Highways Project terms), project would require all the skills and expertise needed for a major highways project. This led to some acceptable delays. The Parish Council were then able to transfer the project to Mayer Brown.

The PC subsequently made a submission for a grant toward the survey and scheme development costs to Community Area Board Transport Group (CATG). Unfortunately, this request was rejected in the summer of 2019.

Parish Council Budgetary Commitment
The Parish Council discussed different options available at meetings in October and November 2019. The Parish Council voted to proceed with an initial financial commitment of £20,000 for consultancy fees, survey fees and project development (to take the project to the start of a formal tendering process) to ascertain the likely cost of capital works. However, this would now also include essential remedial works to some of the existing footpath. To reduce the steepness of the path for it to be fit for purpose and within Health and Safety guidelines.

This work with Mayer Brown has proceeded well but like everything else was considerably affected by the arrival of the Covid 19 Pandemic and all its restrictions. This was particularly so during the period March 2020 to December 2021, when various levels of lockdown were being enforced. Much of 2022 was also impacted by the ‘catch up’ effect of Covid but gradually surveys were taking place and have now been concluded with options now proposed.

The Parish Council is now ready to consult residents on proposals provided by Mayer Brown.


Accessibility Along Pavements

A repeat of a previous request, to help our disabled and visally impaired residents (and those with children in buggies):
~ Please do not block lowered pavements with parked cars.
~ Please do not park on pavements, partially or otherwise.
~ Please don't block the pavement with wheelie bins or black boxes.
~ If your property is next to the pavement or footpath, please trim back any overhanging branches, shrubs, etc.  Of a dark evening, and with the new lower lighting, it's no fun walking into prickly or wet overgrowth!   Please trim back lower shrubs too, as these affect children.  Thank you.


Fatal 5 poster


Parish Council News

A parishioner asked the council who was responsible for the driveway surface between the gated entrance to Kington Manor and the Village Hall/Shop car park. The driveway also continues onwards to Manor Farm providing access to several properties, and when the Parish Council met on the 15th June 2023, it received a brief report on the factual position. In providing the answer the council felt that it was worthwhile updating everyone as the matter has often been raised over recent years.

The access driveway is in fact part of Public Footpath KSTM12 and, following two years extensive research and case-building, supported by seventy-five User Evidence Statements from residents and visitors, in February 2020, the Parish Council submitted an application to Wiltshire Council to upgrade the Footpath to a Byway Open to All Traffic. It was hoped that if this was successful then it could be argued that the entire driveway surface should be maintained by Wiltshire Council as Highway Authority.

The Parish Council is indebted to former Councillor Sandra Eaton for the tremendous efforts to reach this stage, and following her move from the parish, she volunteered to continue with the project, particularly as Wiltshire Council failed to determine the application within the required timescale and the matter was taken to appeal to the Planning Inspectorate in March 2021. The Planning Inspectorate determined that Wiltshire Council should deal with the matter by August 2022.

Despite the case and evidence submitted, Wiltshire Council finally decided in January 2023 that “on the balance of probabilities” the application should be refused. In February 2023, following further consideration, the Parish Council determined that there was no longer a case to pursue, and after all the efforts the only success arising was that Wiltshire Council has agreed that the tarmac surface directly outside the Village Hall/Shop car park should become part of the surface that should be maintained at public expense. The remainder being privately owned, although used by vehicles to gain access, is not public highway other than having Public Footpath KSTM 12 status. Should anyone be interested in reading the Outcome Report and details considered by the Parish Council in February 2023, then please email the Clerk of the Council who can provide the details - ksmparishclerk@gmail.com.

Community Emergency Contacts Wiltshire & Swindon Prepared (Local Resilience Forum - LRF) has initiated a new scheme called Community Emergency Contacts. This initiative will give the LRF a direct link into the community in an emergency situation. They have asked for at least 3 people to be named as an emergency community contact for Kington St Michael. In the event of an emergency, contacts may be called and asked to give information about how an emergency (e.g. flooding, storm damage) is affecting the local area and any problems arising where help may be needed. If you would like further information, or to put your name forward for this initiative, please send an email to ksmparishclerk@gmail.com. There is no obligation to be available 24/7 and the scheme will operate on a call down basis (whereby the LCF will work their way down the call list until they’re able to speak to someone ‘on the ground’) and there are no other expectations as part of this voluntary role.


Friends of KSM School News

The Friends of KSM School would like to say a massive thank you to those of you who supported the school fête, which raised over £3,700 - the second highest figure on record, beaten only by the fête of 2017


A Challenge in the Name of Charity
Three peaks challange

On 11th June a group from the village took on the Three Peaks Challenge on one of the hottest weekend of the year!  Led by Stewart Harrison, who coaches the Monday and Wednesday KSM fitness groups, the team were supported by Dai Howells and driven by Matt Hocking.  They started the adventure by climbing Ben Nevis, the highest peak in Scotland (1,345m), at 9.30am and finished in a phenomenal 5.5 hours (average time is usually 7-8 hours).  Then it was straight back on the road for a long drive to the Lake District to climb Scafell Pike.  They began at dusk and reached the peak just as darkness fell.  Head torches were donned for the descent and then team was back on the road at 1am for an overnight drive to the third and final mountain in Wales.  Reaching the Snowdon summit at 7.50am on Monday morning. the team knew that to complete the challenge within 24 hours speed was of the essence so the last 5k was a run rather than a hike!

By taking on the challenge team has raised almost £4,500 for The Brain Tumour Charity, a cause close to their hearts.  The Just Giving page remains open for donations at www.justgiving.com/page/ksmfitness.  We have been overwhelmed by the support and generosity of so many people and would like to extend a huge thankyou to everyone who has sponsored us.

For more information about the fitness sessions, please contact Stewart on 07968 624870.


Wellbeing Walk
Yatton Keynell wellbeing walk poster

Liz Danbury is the Community Connector that covers Yatton Keynell and surrounding villages.  She works alongside Jubilee Surgery to help support people to live their good lives and has set up a well-being walk in Yatton Keynell and would like to promote it to the surrounding villages also.  It is a very casual gentle stroll, stopping at Greenbean Café for a cuppa and natter.  It’s held on Fridays at 10.30am, meeting at Yatton Keynell village hall's car park.


Kilvert's Trail - A Walk Around Kington St Michael,
Kington Langley, Langley Burrell & Allington

The Rev Francis Kilvert 1840 – 1879 wrote diaries portraying everyday Victorian life. These were kept in many notebooks during his relatively short life, sadly, most of which were destroyed.  Thankfully 22 notebooks remain and these have been published in three volumes. His work has been acknowledged to be as important as that of Samuel Pepys.
Kilvert was a keen walker. Indeed he walked to Bath and back in one day.  He took delight in the countryside around him, never failing to note the beauty surrounding him.
To that end, some residents of Langley Burrell have compiled several local walks, taking in familiar landmarks that Kilvert would have known (Kilvert's Trail), and one of these comes through Kington St Michael - the Allington Walk (obviously you could join this walk at any point along it in Kington St Michael and complete the loop back to your starting point).


Neighbourhood Watch
Neighbourhood Watch logo

Neighbourhood Watch can help build safer, stronger and more active communities and connect people with their neighbours.  The Parish Council is hoping to get a local scheme up and running in Kington St Michael and would love to hear from you.
If you are interested in joining, or just want more information, then please contact
Cllr Vicky Ingham av.ingham@kingtonstmichaelparishcouncil.gov.uk


Pick Up After Your Pooch!

Wherever you are in the village - street, public footpath, QE2 Field, Nymph Hay Wood or the surrounding fields - it still applies!  Do it for your dog!

If anyone sees an owner letting their dog foul in a public place please report it to Wiltshire Council, either by 'phoning 01249 706111 and asking for the Dog Warden, or email publicprotectionnorth@wiltshire.gov.uk or via an on-line form. Photographic evidence is always a help.  Your personal details will be treated in strict confidence and you will be informed of the outcome of the complaint. Please note that complaints regarding aggressive dogs should be made to the police.


A Bit of Village History

Baptism Certificate of Maurice Arthur Sage KSM Church Confirmation Certificate of Maurice Arthur Sage KSM Church

Many thanks to Tim Sage for sharing these photographs of the baptism
and confirmation certificates of his ancester, Maurice Arthur Sage.
The baptism took place in St Michael & All Angels Church in 1913 and the
confirmation at St John the Baptist Church in Charlton near Malmesbury, in 1931.


Warm Spaces and Food Providers
Wiltshire Council has created an online interactive community directory to help you find out what warm spaces and community food providers there are in the county to support you through the cost-of-living challenges.

The directory has been created using information collected by the council, in order to establish what support is available in Wiltshire.

To find out the support that's available on your doorstep, and across the county, please visit the directory and select your postcode area - this will then automatically generate a list of what's available, as well as a host of other useful features:

For anyone wishing to make donations to the community food providers, there are contact and website details included for each with more information to find out how best to do this.

The council has worked hard to ensure that the directory contains a comprehensive list of the support available, but will continue to keep it updated regularly.


Kington St Michael Parish Council now has a new website www.kingtonstmichaelparishcouncil.gov.uk.
KSMPC website home page photo
The website has been designed as a “one stop shop” for parishioners and the wider community, and is intended to provide up to date and historical information on all Parish Council related matters, including meetings and decisions.
This website has been created to comply with the latest regulations and will run alongside and complement this community website.


Wiltshire Library Newsletter
Please click here to view the latest newsletter from
Wiltshire Libraries, reminding you of what's on offer.


Church Coffee Corner
Every Monday from 11.30am - 1.30pm - meet others and enjoy refreshments:
all welcome.
Church Monday cafe poster

Get in the Know!
Would you like to receive news and updates on local matters from the Parish Council and Wiltshire Council, etc, via email?  The Parish Council has set up an email database - if you would like to be included, please email the Clerk, Viv Vines - ksmparishclerk@gmail.com.


Worried About Scams?
Wiltshire Police has suggested reading "The Little Book of Big Scams", which  is an excellent fraud prevention resource created to help raise awareness of the dangers of fraud ,and offer preventative measures to help keep everyone safe from the insidious creep being seen in financial crimes in recent years.

An audio version of the Little Book of Big Scams can be found at this link: https://soundcloud.com/metropolitan-police/the-little-book-of-big-scams

A business edition of the Little Book of Big Scams can be found at this link: https://nbcc.police.uk/images/guidance/the-little-book-of-big-scams-business-edition.pdf


Village Help Facebook Page

Picture of painted hands in the air
If you are on Facebook, please search for the KSM Community Help page, where you will find lots of useful information and support (look for the colourful hands, as above).


Phishing Scams
You can now report phishing emails by forwarding them to report@phishing.gov.uk and the National Cyber Security Centre (part of GCHQ) analyses them and remove the culprit sites.


Pet Owners
The RSPCA is urging pet owners to make an emergency pet care plan, in case they have to be hospitalised - visit RSPCA for further details.


Making A Planning Application

If you are considering or are about to make an on-line planning application via
Wiltshire Council's website, you will be redirected to the Planning Portal.
Unfortunately, if you choose to use autofill for your address, and if you happen to live along the main street (i.e. no.** KSM) then you will find that it submits your address as being in Honeyknob Hill or C154 Road.
This causes confusion to those wishing to or needing to look at planning applications, and, in fact, there are only 8 properties which have the Honeyknob Hill address (unsurprisingly 1 - 8 Honeyknob Hill).
The Parish Counil is asking affected residents who make a planning application to please check that "Honeyknob Hill" or C154 road" isn't included in the address (unless you are one of the eight!) and to enter the address manually.
If you spot this issue elsewhere, please let the Clerk to the Council know: ksmparishclerk@gmail.com.


Village Hall Car Park
The Village Hall Management Committee would like to remind villagers that the village hall car park is only for village hall users and shop customers. Recently, a number of paying village hall users have not been able to park. Thank you!


Just a reminder of where our defibrillators are kept in the village: map of defibrillators
and the instructions of what to do when someone collapses.
Please visit the Community Defibrillator page for further information


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