Neighbourhood Watch & Police

Wiltshire's Neighbourhood Watch website
National Neighbourhood Watch website - full of useful information
and where you can sign up to local news.
Wiltshire & Swindon Community Messaging You can now sign up for free messages - by email, text or voicemail - about policing and crime matters relating to your area and interests by joining Wiltshire and Swindon Community Messaging. You can also tick a box to join Neighbourhood Watch.
Also look at:
Neighbourhood Watch Area Committee Member:
Mike Brandwood
The Chippenham and Rural Villages Neighbourhood Police Officer is Police Constable 2622 Jessica Swanborough. Contact:
Mobile: 07471 029023 Teams: 01225 256536
Emergency 999 | Switchboard 101
Our Police Community Support Offier is PCSO Stacey Cunningham.
Wiltshire Police
For information visit
Tel. 101
(WiltshirePolice Minicom, tel. 01380 734064)
Reporting Crime
Wiltshire Police seeks to enhance online services to the public and is
pleased to introduce a new way of reporting crime through the Force
If you or somebody you know has been a victim of
crime, or you witnessed a crime, in Wiltshire or Swindon you can now
report it to Wiltshire Police online.
Go to the force website and click on the Report button and select Crime from the menu:
In an emergency always call 999.
How Neighbourhood Watch Works
The Neighbourhood Watch scheme covers Kington St Michael. A scheme is generally led by a volunteer co-ordinator whose job is to get people working together and make sure things get done. As well as the co-ordinator, there is often a committee. Committees meet regularly to plan which problems to target and what action to take. Schemes keep in close touch with local police to share information and advice. To help with this there is a quarterly meeting of all Chippenham Area co-ordinators at Chippenham Police Station. Most crime is opportunist, committed on the spur of the moment, or when a car or house is left unlocked. Traditional Neighbourhood Watch activity has focused on the immediate vicinity of homes, with members looking out for anything suspicious, or helping their neighbours as necessary. However, more and more schemes are broadening their range of work. Targeting local problems such as vandalism or graffiti are well within the scope of a well-organised Watch scheme. You may be able to take action yourselves, such as fitting more secure door or window locks in vulnerable homes, or you may need to get others involved. Some schemes now work in partnership with other agencies like Victim Support and Help the Aged to help reduce the fear of crime. Anyone co-ordinating a Neighbourhood Watch scheme can get support from the local bobby as well as the Neighbourhood Watch liaison officer. What does the Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinator do? Put news items on the village website (via the Webmaster) Maintain a NHW within the village. Pass relevant information from the police on crime in the area to members and from members to the police. Act as a link between the scheme, other co-ordinators, local police and local NHW Associations Circulate any newsletters, leaflets, property marking kits etc Encourage members to inform police quickly of any criminal/suspicious incidents.
Neighbourhood Watch
Neighbourhood Watch can help build safer, stronger and more active communities and connect people with their neighbours. The Parish Council is hoping to get a local scheme back up and running in Kington St Michael and would love to hear from you.
If you are interested in joining, or just want to find out more information, then please contact Cllr Vicky Ingham at
Phishing Scams
You can now report phishing emails by forwarding them to and the National Cyber Security Centre (part of GCHQ) analyses them and remove the culprit sites.
Cold Callers
Please contact Wiltshire Police on 101 if you receive 'Cold Callers'. They are interesting in speaking to these individuals, as most will not have a valid Pedlar's certificate.If someone does knock at your door you may request identification; if the individual does not show you any form of identification or you are not happy with what you have
seen you are entitled to just shut the door. All genuine callers will have formal identification and most companies will call prior to visits now. Please do not allow anyone that you do not know into your property.
Hate Crime
What is hate crime?
Hate incidents and crimes are targeted hostility or harm towards someone because of an aspect of who they are perceived to be, or their identity, for instance on the basis of disability, race, religion, sexual orientation, or transgender identity. Too many people suffer in silence, not only those directly targeted, but those too who are avoiding places they fear they might be targeted: not going out at certain times of the day; changing the way they look or dress; hiding their true identities.
How Victim Support can help
Victim Support is aiming to support people to identify hate related incidents when they come across them, to name them, to know how to signpost people to appropriate support, and to ensure such incidents are recorded to improve understanding and inform prevention work.
Get in touch
If you would like more detail via a presentation from the team or further information, please contact our Service Delivery Team on 01380 738878, email or visit our national website
Chippenham rural villages have seen an increase in fuel thefts. We have had thefts from both commercial and residential properties as well as from vehicles. There is a strong possibility that the offenders are scoping the area first. Any suspicious activity in your community should be reported to the Police on 101 or 999 should the theft be in progress. Always take down number plates when possible. Simple tips to keep your tank safe are- increased lighting, locks on tanks, thorny plants and shrubs in borders and CCTV. Please see the "Chippenham Police" Facebook page for more tips on oil tank security.
Rural burglaries remain a priority for us, make sure that doors and windows are secure when you leave your property. More burglaries are now happening in the daytime and even when occupants are at home. Make sure that doors are locked even when you are at home and in another part of the house. Never leave handbags and car keys near to a door or window within easy reach. Place high value goods in including jewellery in a locked safe that is secured to the floor.The Chippenham Rural Neighbourhood. If you would like to contact your local Neighbourhood Policing Team please call 101 or email
Help keep property in your shed and garage safe and secureSheds· Use locks at all times· Protect glass by fitting a grille or strong wire mesh to the inside of the window and nail up or fit locks to any windows that can be opened.· Prevent anyone seeing into your shed by placing curtains or other coverings over the window or blacken them out with paint
Garages· Much of the advice for garden sheds also applies to garages. In addition you should consider fitting: · High security garage door locks, such as the ‘pacri lock’ obtained from DIY stores and locksmiths that can be fitted to the sides of an ‘up and over’ door provide excellent security.· Roller doors can also be fitted with extra security locks. such as the police approved ‘Lock’n’Roller’ device obtained from Fitting a simple, low cost, battery operated shed alarm to the door of your shed or garage may warn of any attempted break in to your property and can act as a deterrent.
Please remember to:
Clearly mark your property in as many places as you can with your name and postcode.
Take photographs of any valuable property. This may help to identify items and help to secure a conviction.
Secure items such as bicycles to the structure of a building or chain as many items together as possible, fastening the chain with a closed shackle padlock.
Parents’ internet guide to help with children surfing the world wide web
A new TV-style show created by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre, The Parents’ and Carers’ Guide to the Internet, has been created online exploring the challenges of parenting in an online age. While the risks to children may be different to those of the 1950s, parenting skills are still as relevant as they ever were. Talking to children about their online lives is one of the best things parents can do to protect them so they can enjoy the opportunities offered by the internet. The show sets out simple practical ideas for parents to make sure their children are protected from risks – which range from cyber-bullying to grooming by those who wish them harm – as well as a few surprises about what children get up to online. Visit to view the The Parents’ and Carers’ Guide to the Internet.
Door to Door Salesmeen
People who sell door to door must have a Pedlars Certificate issued by the local Police to enable them to do so. People who have a criminal record are unable to obtain one. Always check to see if a caller holds the correct paperwork before buying. For more information visit Wiltshire Council's website.
Beat the Bogus Caller
ACTION: Always check identification before letting a caller in. People at risk: Anyone can be a victim of a bogus caller. Older people may feel more vulnerable but are actually less likely to become victims of most crime. tip: you don't have to let anyone into your hometip: put a chain on the door and install a door viewertip: use the phone book to contact the company to check identituywhat you can do: if you are suspicious phone 999 and ask for the police.