Community Defibrillators
Kington St Michael has two community defibrillators - one at the school and one at the pub (map of defibillator positions). We fundraised to purchase them so that they are available around the clock for anyone to use on a suspected heart attack patient, ONCE 999 has been dialled and contact made with the ambulance service. Please read what to do if someone collapses.
This important piece of equipment can mean the difference between life and death, as following a Cardiac Arrest the chance of survival decreases by 23% per minute. It is therefore very important medical treatment starts as soon as possible. The UK Resuscitation Council suggests an AED should be available wherever medical treatment is more than 5 minutes away. In practical terms this means the whole of the UK. Of course we would much rather it never had to be used.
FACT: Statistically each year one person in approximately every 600 suffers a heart attack - our parish population at the last census was 720.
For advice on health matters visit
The Defibrillator Scheme committee is:
Avril Balmforth, 5 Paddock End, tel. (01249) 750671
Linda Durno, 14 The Close, tel. (01249) 750514 or contact us via
The parish council has kindly agreed to hold funds in its Charities Account and to act as the responsible financial body for monies raised. Donations are still very welcome to contribute towards ongoing maintenance - please make cheques payable to "Kington St Michael Parish Council Charities Account" and hand to either of us.
The target of £4,000 was reached in April 2011 - many thanks to everyone who has given their support (and money!). Although the target has been reached donations are still welcome to cover future maintenance costs and, of course, replacement of the pack in the event that one has to be used. (Please scroll down for our news updates). The parish council will look after any funds remaining after the initial purchases.
Many thanks to the following for their kind donations to KSM Community Defibrillator Scheme:
CURRENT BALANCE = £378.64 (includes small amounts of interest)
£100 donation received from the Book Recycling Scheme (Jan '25)
£19.14 for a rescue safety kit at the school (July '24)
£357.00 for a replacement battery for the defibrillator at the school (April '24)
£98.40 for adult defibrillation electrodes (Oct '22)
£98.40 for adult defibrillation electrodes at the pub (Oct '21)
£100 private donation received (Oct '20)
£25 donation from Andrew & Delcia Fussell (Oct '20)
£50 donation from All Angels WI (Oct '20)
£50 donation received from the Book Recycling Scheme (Oct '20)
£30 donation received from Avril Balmforth (Oct '20)
£10 donation received from Dave & Jenny Lemon (Oct '20)
£50 private donation received (Oct '20)
£20 donation received from Cyn Witts (Oct '20)
£50 private donation received (Oct '20)
£10 donation received from Kevin Henderson (Oct '20)
£50 donation from the village Book Recycling Scheme (Sept '19)
£336 for adult defibrillation electrodes and a replacement battery for the defibrillator at the pub (September 2019)
£75.60 for 2 packs of adult defibrillation electrodes at the school (Jan '18)
£53 for electrodes (June 2016)
£205 for a replacement battery for the defibrillator at the school (September 2015)
£55 for adult defibrillation electrodes (September 2015)
£28 to pay for adult defibrillation electrodes
£205 for a replacement battery for the defibrillator at the pub (July 2015)
£28 for adult defibrillation electrodes
£48 for the electrical check for the defibrillator at the pub (March 2015)
£48 for the electrical check for the defibrillator at the pub (March 2014)
£55 for adult defibrillation electrodes (July 2013)
£56.40 insurance premium for the two defibrillators (2013)
£48.66 insurance premium (part year, via KSMPC) for the two defibrillators (Nov '11)
£140.56 for the electrical installation of the two defibrillators (November '11)
£19.50 for the hire of the village hall for September's first aid course (October '11)
£240 for the first aid course held in September (October '11)
£542.83 donation from KSM WI's annual buffet lunch (September '11)
£500 grant from the Moto in the Community trust (September '11)
£45.03 donation from the collection box in The Jolly Huntsman (July '11)
£3,325 for two defibrillators and cabinets, etc. (June 11)
£20 donation from Wendy Cox (May '11)
£10 donation from Wendy Cox (April '11)
£555 by way of donations in memory of Kenn Virr (April '11)
£1,085.62 from the progressive supper fundraiser (March '11)
£50 anonymous donation (March '11)
£500 donation from Mrs Sashtee Tirbhowan, Kington House Residential Home (March '11)
£10 anonymous donation (March '11)
£5 donation from Great Western Surveys (March '11)
£10 donation from Wendy Cox (March '11)
£50 anonymous donation (Feb '11)
£72.50 donation from the collection box in The Jolly Huntsman (Feb '11)
£20 donation from Rose & Phil Tolerton (Feb '11)
£20 donation from Cyn Witts (Feb '11)
£25 donation from an anonymous donor of KSM (Jan '11)
£500 donation from Helen & Simon Curtis of The Jolly Huntsman pub (Jan '11)
£1,000 donation from South West Control Systems Ltd - a KSM based company (Dec '10)
£50 donation from the Sunday night whist players (Dec '10)
£250 donation from the Rec Field Group bonfire night (Nov '10)
£50 donation from the Book & DVD Recycling Scheme (Nov '10)

October '11 ~ Leaflets have now been distributed throughout the village informing on what to do if someone collapses - you can view or print a copy here.
September '11 ~ Huge thanks to KSM WI which kindly donated the profits from its annual buffet lunch and gave us a cheque for £542.83.
~ Many thanks to the Moto in the Community Trust (via Mark Slatter at Moto, Leigh Delamere Services westbound) for a grant of £500 towards the defibrillator at the school.

Mark slatter presents a cheque for £500 from
the Moto in the Community Trust, 22nd September 2011.
~ The village's second defibrillator has now been installed outside The Jolly Huntsman. Thanks go to Helen & Simon Curtis for agreeing to this and to Paul Hayes who did the electrical work for both defibrillators. Information leaflets will soon be delivered to every household in the parish and twelve parishioners have put their names forward to attend a first-aid course later in the month. Defibrillator at The Jolly Huntsman.
July '11 ~

Linda Durno, Avril Balmforth and Tracy Cornelius, Head teacher,
with the first defibrillator now in place at Kington St Michael School.
The first Community Defibrillator in North Wiltshire is HERE in Kington St Michael at our village school. The second one will be installed at The Jolly Huntsman soon. In the event of someone collapsing with a suspected heart attack a 999 call is made to the ambulance control which provides the unique PIN number to unlock the cabinet. In an emergency anyone can use the defibrillator, which is foolproof and will read the collapsed person’s condition, only administering a life-saving shock to the heart if necessary. Funds were raised through donations from individuals, village groups including the Recreation Field group and the WI, local businesses, a jar on the bar at the pub and by holding a progressive supper.
~ Thank you to Helen & Simon at The Jolly Huntsman for displaying a collection box - this has been emptied for the last time, raising £45.03 for the Defib Scheme. In total the box raised £117.53 through kind donations from patrons.
June '11: We have placed the order for two defibs and cabinets, etc. Delivery is up to 6 weeks. We have met with an electrician and received an estimate for the cost of installation and we have heard that our grant application is actually up for consideration on July 27th and that we should hear the outcome of that by the middle of August.
May' 11: ~ Following a meeting with the Listed Building officer, she has confirmed that Listed Building Consent will not be required for the defibrillator cabinet at The Jolly Huntsman and the position has been agreed.
~ The grant we applied for is now being discussed this month. We shall be arranging to meet with an electrician, regarding installation of the defibrillators, and also with the Listed Building Officer from Wiltshire Council.
April '11: April 20th - The request for advice from a Listed Building Officer has been received and logged at Wiltshire Council offices in Chippenham.
April 1st - Following a meeting with a planning officer, advice is currently being sought from Listed Building officers as to where precisely they would be agreeable for a defbrillator cabinet to be sited on the pub's cottage wall and what plans they would need.
March '11: We have applied for a grant towards the cost of one of the defibrillators and will know if we have been successful in April. Our next step is to apply for Listed Building Consent for a defibrillator to be sited at The Jolly Huntsman. Progressive Supper Avril and Linda would like to thank everyone who attended the progressive supper on March 12th, and to the "support team" of hosts, pudding makers, bar staff, givers of raffle prizes - in fact anyone who helped in any way whatsoever! The total raised is £1,085.62.
The Parish Council received information from the Community Heatbeat Trust (patron Simon Weston OBE) about community defibrillators and agreed that the scheme is a worthy one, and that fundraising would be needed to enable the installation of two defibrillators within the parish. Interest in the scheme was then registered with the trust and more information requested.
Subsequently Mr Richard Schofield, from CHT, made a presentation at the village's Annual Parish Meeting in April 2010. He has visited the village on several occasions, and has recommended that two defibrillators are purchased, at a cost of just under £4,000. This includes 2 x AED defibrillators, the vandal proof boxes, training resources for the village and service and support for maintenance.
A fundraising committee was then formed to get the ball rolling.
Sites for the equipment have been identified as Kington St Michael CE Primary School and The Jolly Huntsman pub, as these are both freely accessible to the public at all times, sited in a prominent outdoor position, with access to an electricity supply.
The school’s Governors and Helen & Simon Curtis (the pub’s licensees) have very kindly agreed to site a defibrillator, subject to any planning consents as necessary.
Helpful links:
Frequently asked questions: please view the most frequesntly asked questions about defibillators and the scheme here.