Diamond Jubilee Celebrations 2012

"For the people of KSM by the people of KSM"
KSM’s Diamond Jubilee Celebration took place on Monday 4th June 2012, providing an inclusive, fun and memorable day for all members of our community. Below is the history of that day.
KSM Diamond Jubilee Committee
Chairman - Liz Allen
Deputy chairman - Darryn Rawlins
PR & marketing - Sarah Harriman
Treasurer - Kevin Henderson
General members - Helen Curtis, Bruce Low, Margaret Pratley, Gay Sealy, Roger Sealy and Sue Wilcock.
The Diamond Jubilee Committee was established to co-ordinate and organise an inclusive, fun and memorable event to be enjoyed by ALL members of our community and leave a lasting legacy for the residents of Kington St Michael.
Facebook page
Sponsors & Donors
Sincere thanks to our kind sponsor and donors:
The Jolly Huntsman £1,000
Autumn Club £300
KSM WI £161
Angela Virr £50
Pete and Joan Johnson £50
The Wicks family £100
Sunday night whist players £100
Local benefactor £800
KSM resident £5
Tesco Charity Trust Community Awards Scheme £500
Will Lawton of Halfpenny Field in Yatton Keynell, gift of an oak tree
John & Pat Woodward £80
Gay Sealy £175
Book & DVD Recycling Scheme £50
KSM Village Shop £354.10
Kington St Michael Parish Council £200
Mr & Mrs G Chicco £250
Rec Field Working Group (bonfire night) £1,032
KSM Village Hall £202
Why not take a look to see what went on at Kington St Michael's 2002 celebrations for the Queen's Golden Jubilee? Click here.
Click here to see the programme of events for 2012
2012 KSM Diamond Jubilee Celebrations
KSM Diamond Jubilee Celebration - 4th June 2012 - Click here for pictures.
Kings & Queens’ Day at KSM School
On Friday 1st June 2012, the schoolchildren of Kington St Michael Primary School were proud to celebrate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee, as part of their Jubilee Time After Time Project, with the older generation in the community.
The day started at school with a special jubilee assembly including a talk by Mrs Barbara Tinson. Several older guests were invited to look at the "Right Royal Celebration" exhibition and then to join the children in the classrooms to chat with them about their memories of previous royal celebrations.
Everyone then walked down to Manor Farm (thanks to Roger and Gay Sealy for the use of their beautiful grounds) where the children were joined by more special guests for a royal garden party. Each class paraded around the garden for a best costume competition whilst the adults took part in the best crown competition. The best male crown was awarded to Barry Hayne and the runner up was Gerry Elms, whilst Joan Gilbert won the ladies best crown with Gay Sealy coming a close second.
Diamond Day, the Jubilee song for children, and Land of Hope and Glory were sung by KS2 pupils before a special Jubilee grace was conducted by Rev. Sam Rushton. Lunch and refreshments were followed by traditional garden games for the children and adults. It was lovely to see the different generations having such good fun all together.
The garden party finished with everyone singing God Save the Queen and when the children returned to school they all received their KSM Diamond Jubilee commemorative mugs to take home as a reminder of a very special day. Click here to see some of the photographs taken on the day.
Clipping from the Gazette & Herald of Thursday 7th June 2012.

Selling KSM Diamond Jubilee DVDs at the Christmas Fayre on December 1st
November: 15th November 2012 - A little piece in The Gazette & Herald (page 26) on KSM's Jubilee legacy in The Nymph Hay.

The Jubilee oak tree plus the English bluebells and two picnic benches was installed in the wood, to provide a long term reminder of The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee year, and to create a beautiful spring sight in our wood and a wonderful legacy for everyone in the village to enjoy for many years to come.
The Jubilee oak tree was planted in The Nymph Hay, helped by Will Lawton. It was then planned to hold a Diamond Jubilee oak tree plaque unveiling on November 11th.

Liz Allen & Sarah Harriman from the Diamond Jubilee Committee
and Will Lawton, who donated the oak tree.
~ Nymph Hay Wood - Diamond Jubilee Legacy; 670 English bluebell bulbs and 200 wood anemone rhizomes were planted in The Nymph HayWood by Jackie Martin and local volunteers. The flowers will provide a beautiful spring sight in the wood and is a lovely legacy from The Diamond Jubilee year that people in Kington St Michael can enjoy for many years to come.
October: Surplus Funds Update. Following the suggestion to use some of the Jubilee surplus funds towards planting seeds and bulbs in Kington St Michael's Nymph Hay wood, and, as the timing was appropriate for planting ready for the next spring, KSM’s Diamond Jubilee Committee agreed to award £200 to enable this to go ahead with immediate effect.
The idea was widely supported in the village and the Jubilee Committee believe that this will provide a long term reminder of the Diamond Jubilee and a beautiful spring site for everyone in the village to enjoy, and at little cost! The seeds take up to seven years to mature to the point where they flower, however the bulbs are more immediate. Planting has been approved by the Woodland Trust (who own the land) and will be carried out, very kindly, at no cost, by local volunteers.
September ~ Jubilee Evening. Liz Allen, Chair of KSM’s Diamond Jubilee Committee, gave a brief update on the Diamond Jubilee finances and a surplus of £3,540 was confirmed.
Production of the KSM Jubilee DVD was almost complete and orders were taken. The DVDs were £7 each and included approximately 30-40 minutes of edited footage of the day, plus a video trailer and video montage. A photo slideshow and the BBC Points West coverage broadcast on 4th June was also be included on the DVD.
Ideas for the use of the surplus Jubilee funds were submitted.

Diamond Jubilee evening, 23rd September 2012
The Diamond Jubilee Committee decided to carefully consider all ideas and suggestions regarding use of the surplus Jubilee funds.
~ The committee was delighted to receive a Jubilee oak tree, a gift to the village of Kington St Michael from Will Lawton, of Halfpenny Field in Yatton Keynell, to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee in 2012. The oak tree was grown from an acorn produced by the old oak in Halfpenny Field, Yatton Keynell, and was planted in the autumn of 2008.

Jubilee oak tree
6th June ~ There were many, many people to thank for so many things, but extra special thanks were extended to the following people for their contribution to the main events that took place on Monday 4th June. They were:
Rev Sam Rushton for conducting the church service, judging the fancy dress parade and for all her help with the many other events
James Gray MP for judging the children's fancy dress parade
Roy's band of Random Ringers for ringing the bells of St. Michael and All Angels
Debra Low and her team of helpers for the wonderful catering and organisation of the children's lunch
Helen and Simon Curtis and their team at The Jolly Huntsman, for the over 60's Luncheon and organising the bar
KSM WI members for organising a wonderful afternoon tea
Richard Allen and Colin Labouchere for the go-kart race scrutineering and judging
Bruce Low for organising the tug of war
Roger Sealy for arranging the boules tournament
KS2 pupils of KSM School for singing Diamond Day and Land of Hope and Glory (live on BBC TV too!) and to Colin Labouchere for providing the sound system
Also thanked were the BBC crew, Amanda Parr, Luke and the rest of the team, as well as Andy Macrow, Picture Editor at the BBC, for broadcasting the event and for being such a pleasure to work with.
30th May 2012 ~ The "Right Royal Celebration" exhibition had been to the school and would be at the Rec Field on 4th June.



Royal celebrations display (Photos courtesy of Sarah Harriman) |
24th May 2012 ~ Preparations were well underway around the village as the Jubilee drew closer. Some of the activities were captured on camera by Andy Macrow from BBC Points West, including a visit to Kington St Michael School where the children were busy preparing lots of lovely things. (Click here for the full collection of pictures).
~ KSM's Diamond Jubilee Committee members were delighted to receive a letter and a kind message of thanks from Buckingham Palace on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen, thanking them for our loyal support and thoughts on the occasion of Her Majesty's Diamond Jubilee.
Correspondence from Buckingham Palace, May 2012 |
Commemorative Jubilee Mugs
Hand-thrown mugs were delivered all the way from Pembrey, Wales and 50 were on sale at £7 per mug on Jubilee day. The other 175 were for all children in our community aged 11years old and under.

A Right Royal Celebration
An exhibition focusing on royal celebrations in our local area during the past century was displayed at KSM School, an visitors were could see wonderful memories of past celebrations. The display was also up at the Recreation Field during the Jubilee celebration.
Bells To Be Rung For Jubilee
The church service on Monday 4th June was followed by a quarter peal rung on the bells of Kington St Michael (approx. 45 minutes) by Roy’s band of Random Ringers., The visiting band was aptly named, as a random selection of ringers, organised by Roy, has been drawn from many places and comprised of Roy Mills (Heytesbury), Phil Gaisford (Bradford on Avon), David Kelly (Bath), Patsy Thorn (Melksham), Jenny Astridge (Chilcompton & Midsomer Norton) and John Hayns (Battersea, London).
May ~ The Friends of Kington St Michael School were awarded £100 by the Gazette & Herald Community Fund towards a commemorative Diamond Jubilee bench for the children. Please click here to view the article.
~ Monday 4th June was soon upon us. Everybody from Kington St Michael and members of community clubs, school, and groups associated with the village were welcome.
~ The Friends of KSM School applied for a Gazette & Herald Community Grant on behalf of the school children, who decided they would like a Diamond Jubilee Commemorative bench in memory of the Kings & Queens Day planned for 1st June and The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations of 2012.
~ Jubilee Time After Time. Kington St Michael School took part in Jubilee Time After Time (a project funded by the National Lottery through the Big Lottery Fund), which encouraged schools in the South West to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee with the older generation in their community.
To kick off the Jubilee weekend and as part of this project (separate to the KSM Diamond Jubilee event on 4th June), the school planned a Kings & Queens Day on Friday 1st June, bringing old and young people together in celebration of the Diamond Jubilee.
The day will start with a special Jubilee Assembly, themed classroom activities and interactive sessions, followed by a Royal Garden Party in the village. The children, who will dress up for the day, will also receive a hand-made commemorative mug to take home as a lasting memory.
22nd March ~ Now that the final fund-raising event had taken place, it was confirmed that a total of £10.857 was raised in aid of KSM Diamond Jubilee – a fantastic achievement. This could not have been done without the help and support from so many people – a testament to the remarkable community spirit that prevails here in Kington St Michael.
21st March ~ The Jubilee cake sale held at KSM School raised £142, which concludes the fund-raising for KSM's Diamond Jubilee event. An outstanding effort from all the children who entered the cake decorating competition....some brilliant entries and cake creations. To see all the cakes please click here.
The British or royal themed decorated cake competition results were:
Reception and Key Stage 1 – winner, Annabelle Dickie; runner up, Lorna Howard; best effort, William Vickory
Key Stage 2 – winner, Nell and Paddy Atack; runner up, Lily Goverd; best effort, Katie Butt.
11th March ~ The sun shone as over 40 runners took part in the KSM 10k Fun Run, which started and finished at Kington St Michael Village Hall, and raised £401 towards the Diamond Jubilee Fund
Special thanks were given to 1304 (Chippenham) Squadron Air Training Corps and Wiltshire Police for their assistance in ensuring the event ran smoothly and safely.
It was a very enjoyable and fun morning and everyone who participated received a medal at the finish line. The results are available by clicking here.


Fun run winner, Tom Estcourt, with Darryn Rawlins from the DJ committee. The medals. |
5th March ~ Autumn Club held a bring and buy sale in the village hall, with raffle, tombola and cake stall, and raised over £300.

~ The progressive supper was a great success on 3rd March and raised £988 in aid of KSM Diamond Jubilee.

Progressive supper, 3rd March '12 (Photo courtesy of Sarah Harriman) |
1st March ~ Kington St Michael WI held a Coffee Morning on Tuesday 28th February, raising £161 in aid of the Jubilee.
23rd February ~ Although we are not far off achieving the financial target for 4th June, the aim was to continue fundraising to enable a substantial surplus to be reinvested back into Kington St Michael. The community deserved a legacy after the tremendous fundraising that took place and the huge effort from so many people in aid of the Diamond Jubilee, and it also deserved a say after the Jubilee weekend in how any surplus might be spent.
When the community took over the running of the Village Shop in 2007, a vital boost to its start-up was a welcome financial contribution - the legacy from the Golden Jubilee in 2002. The shop is pivotal to this village, and much of the Diamond Jubilee fundraising would not have happened without it; it is the heart of our community.
If the legacy from the Diamond Jubilee was to have any real meaning, it had to be ensured that there was a substantial amount to reinvest back into the village, to have a similar effect and continue to nurture what this village is all about...tremendously spirited with a thriving and active community.
9th February ~ Thanks were given to Angela Virr in KSM and Pete and Joan Johnson based in the USA (friends of the Squires) who made donations of £50 to the Diamond Jubilee Fund.
5th February ~ The Auction of Promises made £2,975, which, considering the last minute change of venue and dreadful weather conditions, really reflected the amazing community spirit in KSM.
January ~ Kind donations were received from the Wicks family (£100) KSM whist players (£100).
~ After the excitement at ending 2011 with £4,200 raised, it was announced that the fundometer at The Jolly Huntsman has shot up yet again - now standing at £5,500. This was due to a very generous New Year gift of £800 from a local benefactor, to cover the cost of the commemorative mugs for children under 11 in our community, plus a £500 donation from Tesco Charity Trust Community Awards Scheme towards the Over 60s’ Luncheon.
The committee's legacy was to reinvest any surplus money back into the community of Kington St Michael, as a lasting memory of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee in 2012.
December 2011 ~ The fund-raising efforts for 2011 concluded at a brilliant £4,200.
The Recreation Field Working Group decided to generously donate the remaining profits (£516) from last month's bonfire night to the Diamond Jubilee celebrations, which means that £1,032 was donated in total from this event.
Mr & Mrs Chicco of Kington Manor donated £250 to the Jubilee Fund.
£202 was donated to the Diamond Jubilee by the village hall committee, raised from the Rural Arts Music Night with Brejeiro on December 10th.
£23.33 was raised from the Christmas postbox and donations from Village Shop customers.
Jolly Huntsman customers donated £33.38 collected from the donation box at end of November.
KSM Diamond Jubilee was represented at the Christmas Fayre on Saturday 3rd December and raised £127.70…..of which £80 was kindly donated by John and Pat Woodward from their jam sales. It was great to see so many members of the community and to get so much support. A draft plan for the celebration on Monday 4th June 2012 was also on display (see photo) as well as an overview of the fund-raising activities that had taken place so far and those still to come. KSM School kindly loaned the display board.

The display at the Christmas Fayre, 3rd December 2011
Saturday 19th November ~ KSM Recreation Field becomes a QEII Field. The Parish Council approved a Deed of Dedication for the recreation field to become a QEII Field. The Queen Elizabeth II Fields Challenge, headed by its Patron The Duke of Cambridge and operated by Fields in Trust, is a programme to protect 2012 outdoor recreational spaces in communities all across the country as a permanent living legacy of landmark occasions such as The Queen's Diamond Jubilee in 2012.
This means that the recreation field in KSM will be forever protected as a recreation facility. The benefits are that it will:
Make a recognizable commitment to local people to safeguard land, facilities and opportunities for sport, play and outdoor recreation both now and forever.
Protect public access to outdoor space, provide reassurance to potential investors [grant giving bodies] regarding viability and sustainability.
Ensure that, in the case of sale, proceeds are reapplied to replacement facilities, with a priority on new outdoor facilities.
Tuesday 15th November - Letter from Her Majesty The QUEEN. The Chair wrote to The Queen on behalf of the Diamond Jubilee Committee as it was thought only appropriate and courteous to keep her in the loop of the plans for celebrating her Diamond Jubilee. On 15th November the committee was delighted and thrilled to receive a reply:
"The Queen was greatly touched by your message of loyalty and support, and to hear how much you and the local community are looking forward to June 2012... The Queen appreciated your thoughtful letter".
Tuesday 15th November ~ A postbox was placed in the Village Shop foyer for children to post letters to Father Christmas. Replies were pinned on a notice-board.
8th November 2011 ~ Thanks were given to the Rec Field Working Group and the Parish Council for hosting and organising a fantastic bonfire and outstanding fireworks display on Saturday 5th November, and for kindly donating £516 (50% of the profits) to KSM's Diamond Jubilee Fund.

Enjoying a sparkler The firestarters! |
23rd October ~ KSM’s Diamond Jubilee main event sponsor was appointed – The Jolly Huntsman Inn. A very generous £1,000 was been donated by the Jolly which doubled the fund-raising total to date, taking it to well over £2,000.

Helen Curtis, landlady of The Jolly Huntsman, said “We are delighted to be involved with planning for the KSM Diamond Jubilee celebration. This sponsorship is our way of giving something back, in recognition of all of the support that we, as a village inn, receive from our local community.”
Helen & Simon Curtis of The Jolly Huntsman, sponsors of KSM Diamond Jubilee celebrations,
with Liz Allen, Chairman of KSM's Diamond Jubilee committee.
17th October ~ Thanks went to the Village Shop Committee for its hard work in organising a most enjoyable Cheese & Wine evening on 15th October and for raising £254.10 for the Diamond Jubilee Fund.

Cheese & Wine evening (photo by Sarah Harriman) |
~ KSM Netball Club members helped raise £118.70 for KSM Diamond Jubilee on Sunday 16th October, with a Sunday morning car-wash, and customers could enjoy refreshments whilst they waited!


Diamond Jubilee car wash and refreshments, 16th October '11 (photos by Sarah Harriman) |
3rd October ~ Planning for the day was now underway! On Monday 4th June 2012 the aim was to start the day with a church service, followed by children’s lunch in the village hall and a fancy dress parade. An over 60s luncheon would be held in the Jubilee marquee located at the Rec Field. Also planned were a Go-Kart race, afternoon tea, children’s entertainment and other activities at the Rec, followed by a bar, BBQ and live music in the evening. All those involved with the village were welcome, including both residents and those who live outside of KSM but who play an important part in our community, through their association with various groups and clubs and KSM School.
14th September ~ A fun afternoon was had at the fruit picking at The Old Rectory, courtesy of Luanne Cullinane, making whopping £48.11. The children had a fabulous time even if they spent most of the time playing in the fountain!


Fruit pick at The Old Rectory, 14th September 2011 |
13th September ~ KSM now had its very own Diamond Jubilee “fundometer” thanks to Simon and Helen at the Jolly Huntsman.
The Jubilee Table Top Sale held in KSM Village Hall on 3rd September raised £243.24 from sale of tables, refreshments, donations and a raffle.
Oliver mans the raffle at the table top sale |
22nd July 2011 ~ The first Diamond Jubilee fundraising event, the Cake Stall was held in The Ham and raised a fabulous £306.20! This was a super start to the fund-raising activities and the Committee thanked everyone who donated cakes and also to those who bought them, as well as those who helped before and after the event. A special note of thanks also went to Steve the Postie (Steve Thompsett) for all his help in recruiting volunteers to bake cakes.
Throughout the Diamond Jubilee project parishioners were kept informed by regular newsletters, which are available below:
- Diamond Jubilee Newsletter
- Diamond Jubilee Newsletter
- Diamond Jubilee Newsletter
- Diamond Jubilee Newsletter
- Diamond Jubilee Newsletter
- Diamond Jubilee Newsletter