Coronovirus Era in Kington St Michael 2020-2022
In March 2020 England went in to Lockdown, and, as ever, residents sprang into action to help to overcome the difficulties this presented.

A KSM Community Help Facebook page was promptly set up, information and links were posted to the village website, and the bus shelter at The Ridings became a "swap stop" where items could be left for collection, including plants, books and toys to keep children occupied, and all sorts of other items. Each road was assigned at least one co-ordinator who would either help anyone in need or find someone who was able to help, such as by shopping or collecting prescriptions. Leaflets were popped through letterboxes, so that everyone knew who to contact.

The community pulled together, with neighbours helping those who had to self-isolate due to a variety of reasons. On-line shopping lists were pooled, as delivery slots were hard to come by, otheres shopped for their friends and neighbours and the takings at the village shop rocketed! Meanwhile, trying to buy toilet rolls, pasta or tinned tomatoes proved challenging, thanks to panic buying across the country.
Kington Club co-ordinated a food collection point and provided lunches and other meals for those who needed them; The Jolly Huntsman pub provided meals too.
Cilla Labouchere sold hand-made face masks outside her house in Stubbs Lane and raised £300 for Julia's House Children's Hospice:
Louise Williams set up a table at the end of Kyneton Way, with free plants that she had grown, and many gardens in the rest of the village benefitted from this, especially with so may people on furlough and with time on their hands (decorating, baking, and tidying kitchen cupboards was also popular!).The shop welcomed new volunteers, as many of its more senior volunteers had to self-isolate. A screen was installed and all volunteers provided with hand sanitiser (which was like gold dust at that point), and safe distancing was marked out on the floor and outside.

On Friday 8th May, the village celebrated the 75th anniversary of VE day, with socially distanced tea parties and the such-like. Here are some photos of the village's decorations.
July 2020: The postbox at the south end of the village was designated a "Priority Postbox" for those returning Covid-19 tests.
~*~*~*~ During the pandemic the Parish Council was unable to hold meetings and relevant powers were designated to the Clerk, in order for things to run as smoothly as possible.
The village hall's management committee cancelled all booked events and decided to not take any further bookings until at least 2021.
75th Anniversary of VJ day, 15th August 2020 - although their were no street celebrations, some residents whose members of the family had served in the far east, diplayed photos or memorabilia in their windows.

(Display by Laurence Rogers)
October 2020:
Poster advising on how to help control the spread of Covid-19
Lord Lieutenant of Wiltshire's Thankyou to Wiltshire on Behalf of Her Majesty the Queen
the Queen's representative in Wiltshire, Mrs Sarah Troughton, Lord
Lieutenant of Wiltshire, would like to thank those organisations and
individuals, voluntary and otherwise, for their help and contributions
made to the community at large during the past few months of the
Covid-19 pandemic. Please click here to view her letter.
November 2020: Back into lockdown from November 5th until December 2nd.
December 2020:
Advent windows
Villager, Yvonne Cole, thought that living Advent windows would help brighten up our village in December. Thanks to some lovely volunteers, and Yvonne's co-ordinating, we were treated to these beauties.

Please click here for a music video of all the lovely windows.
Father Christmas Came to Visit on December 17th
You can see Father Christmas's visit here.
Christmas Day 2020
"Will you, or someone you know, be alone this Christmas Day?
much uncertainty surrounding Christmas during the current climate, we
would like to offer Christmas Day dinner to anyone who is
on their own this Christmas Day.
We have been given a very generous donation from Core Build and Design, and, if restrictions allow, would like to accommodate everyone within the cafe setting; home delivery is also available.Please contact the cafe on (01249) 750212, 07369 232934 or"
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all residents and friends of Kington St Michael. Thank
you for being such a kind, caring and helpful community this year -
what challenges we've faced, but also, what lovely new friends we've
made. For everyone who has gone that extra mile to help those in need - we are so very proud of you.We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year. Stay safe, Kington St Michaelites!