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Acorns Logo 2019

Acorns Pre-school Has Closed

Acorns photo logo
"Learning through play" in Kington St Michael since 1972

The Village Hall, Kington St Michael, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN14 6HX
Registered Charity no. 1164861
For full details of Acorns Pre-school please visit its official website
Find us on Facebook

Acorns Preschool: The Village Preschool inspiring Creativity, Curiosty and Confidence

Ofsted logo registered for Sessional Day Care - awarded a Good in 2018's inspection.(Click on the Ofsted logo to view Acorns information and reports held with Ofsted)

Acorns Pre-school Has Closed

A message from the Acorns Pre-school Committee:

“Earlier in the summer, the committee sadly announced that Acorns Pre-school wouldn’t be opening its doors in September.  Acorns was a huge asset to the village and whilst the Acorns Pre-school charity will shortly be dissolved, we are pleased to announce that the Early Years Alliance has approved that remaining Acorns assets will be transferred to Kington St Michael Primary School.  This will ensure that the legacy of Acorns will continue to benefit our village, enabling the school to enhance and hopefully expand their early years provision in the future. We want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support.”

Acorns Pre-school is held in Kington St Michael village hall for children age 2-5 years old. We are open as follows:

Monday: 8.45am - 1.15pm
Monday afternoon: Woodpecker Outdoor Adventures, which take place in the Old Rectory wild garden in the village. Woodpeckers runs from 1.45pm - 2.45pm, all year round during term time. Amongst other things, the children search for animal burrows and footprints, go pond dipping, make crafts from natural items and sometimes do some basic cooking.
Tuesday to Friday: 8.45am - 11.45am and 11.45am - 2.45pm to include lunch or for all day.
We are flexible and can take children from 8.45am to 2.45pm with many variations in between those hours.

For further details please call us on 07932 185973 or e-mail: acornsksmchair@gmail.com

We are open for the full funded 30 hours.
We have funding for 2 year olds
We accept most nursery childcare vouchers.

Acorns is delighted to be forging links with Kington St Michael CE Primary School; please click here to visit the school's own website. (Please note that children attending the pre-school are not automatically guaranteed places at the primary school).

If you would like your child to attend Acorns please contact us on 07932 185973 or e-mail acornsksmchair@gmail.com

Pre-school Manager: Karoline Gray-Clark
Pre-school Assistants: Tanya Angelinetta & Alison Sewell

"Mighty oaks from little acorns grow"

The current committee is as follows:

Chairman: Malcolm Campbell
Treasurer: Sarah Gilbert
Secretary: Alistair Peattie
General Members: Vicky Ingham & Naomi Morris

Honorary President: Linda Durno  

LINKS: Pre-school Learning Alliance

Acorns would like to thank Mr & Mrs G Chicco of Kington Manor and Mr & Mrs M Cullinane of The Old Rectory, for kindly allowing the pre-school to use their grounds for outdoor play experience.

We now have a permanent fundraiser via the internet, where you can do your shopping on-line at no extra cost to yourself, but with commission going to Acorns' funds. Please take a look at: www.buy.at/ksmacorns. There are over 80 retailers to choose from, with many of them well-known High Street names and Acorns receives a percentage of any money spent. You will be directed to the retailer's own main site so the prices are the same!

Due to popular request we have made our playdough recipe available - please click here.

Dates For Your Diary


Dropping Off & Collecting Children

Would parents/carers please park courteously when arriving at and leaving Acorns? There have been problems with delivery vehicles and milk tankers being unable to get through and there is also concern that someone may be hurt in the chaos caused by thoughtless parking.

Toys From Home

Whilst we do not mind children bringing in small toys from home (no “aggressive” toys please – toy guns, swords, etc) staff are not able to be responsible for them and do not have time to search for any missing items at the end of the session. If you are concerned about your child losing a toy, may we politely suggest that it would be better to leave it at home.

Mail Folders
Each child has a named mail folder where you will find newsletters, information etc.
Please collect your mail at the end of each session.



Father Christmas visit Acorns 21.12.18
Our party on December 21st was a fabulous end to 2018; the magician was very entertaining and the visit from Father Christmas was really special.

May - The recent quiz raised £384 for Acorns' funds, which will go towards improving the outdoor area and building a den underneath the climbing frame.

Acorns logo

Acorns Pre-school is a registered charity and we rely on fundraising to enable us to buy new equipment. If you would like to make a donation to Acorns' funds, please make a cheque payable to "Acorns Pre-school" and send it to: Linda Durno (Honorary President), 14 The Close, Kington St Michael, SN14 6LE. Thank you.